Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tonight's Dinner

Yumm!!! I'm so in love with Swiss Red Chard and so is my hubby, which is a miracle in itself. He is so skeptical to try anything new and green! Tonight's dinner was an organic, whole chicken with organic brown rice, sautéed Swiss chard and carrots. This is probably the first ever entirely organic meal I have prepared. It was so clean tasting and I am satisfied without feeling gluttonous. So how much did tonight's dinner cost us?

Drumroll please........

My delicious, nutritious entirely organic dinner cost around $5.50 for two!!!!!!!!! Yes that's right, five dollars and some change. You couldn't go to a fast food joint and feed one person for that, let alone two!

I bought a whole organic chicken from Kroger's for $10.82 and put it in the crock pot. After it was fully cooked, I completely deboned it and weighed portions for my hubby and myself for tonight's dinner, tomorrow's lunch and dinner. It was super easy and delicious. When you do the math, that's about $1.80 a portion. Not bad!!

My organic brown rice was from the bulk section of HEB. Seriously, take advantage of the bulk section in your grocery store! You can buy as little or as much as you want or need for the week. My rice was $1.99/lb and I used a quarter pound for dinner.

Our veggies were from our wonderful Bountiful Baskets box. Fresh garlic, half a bunch of carrots and the red Swiss chard.

I felt like I was a serious chef last night!!! I am shocked at how cheap tonights meal was. I have always wanted to go completely, 100% organic and use only organic meat but never attempted to because I thought it would be too expensive.

Hmm...I'm going to have to give this some more thought and consideration. Maybe an organic budget challenge is in store?!?!

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