Friday, May 17, 2013

Proud Mommy Moment!

I have to share a very happy, proud moment that happened this past weekend on Mother's Day. My son will be one at the end of the month and we had a huge party for him last weekend. I have been debating for a while whether or not to give him cake, cookies and other stuff that we normally do not feed him. I have been a hawk since day one and watched carefully as to what we feed him. There have been a few bites of frozen yogurt here and there but for the most part, he's been eating only fruits, veggies, meat and whole grains. People have told me to relax, that he is just a kid and should enjoy treats and cookies. I know most people are just trying to help and don't really know exactly what is in our food, but I refuse to give my son a bad start in life due to peer pressure or laziness. My hubby and I decided that on his birthday, he could eat what he wanted. A friend handed him a chocolate chip cookie, he took a bite and then put it down on the table. He was completely disinterested! I was so happy. Then came cake smash time...he only played in the cake!! He took a bite of icing and then decided he was done. I can't tell you how proud this made me feel. All my hard work, all my firmness in my beliefs of feeding him only the cleanest, only the best food has paid off. Some people were surprised to see him happily munching on a red bell pepper strip later in the party, but those who have been around my son a lot knew what his normal eating habits are.

It just makes me want to persevere in my clean eating journey, this event gives me courage to say, "No!" and feed him the best. It does take extra time to make clean food, to not just open the package of baby food or pick up a Happy Meal on the way home. It takes courage to tell family members that you love and adore that they can't feed your child custard and chocolate. All these extra efforts are surely worth the feeling that I had this past weekend, and that I have right now typing this. My son, the clean eating almost one year old will eat anything and everything, except sugary sweets!

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